Saturday, May 20, 2006

For now, you are no longer alone!

You were always busy working but never too busy to say a 'Hi' whenever I messaged you. One mail and I would get a call from across the seas. I now know what you meant when you said to me - 'there is nothing to match the feeling to know that one has people looking out for them.'

You would take that extra liberty with me. Tell me how to do those little things well, scold and yell and rip me apart whenever I did something stupid and brash. That gave me a heartening feeling of being wanted.I know the countless hours you have spent looking over my papers before I submitted them, making sure that it is all in place, to the last comma. Having seen you online regularly, I search for you whenever I log in. There is an uneasy feeling when you are not there.

You have had your tough times, your hardships and your setbacks. You are entitled to say that life has been unfair to you. But you did not. You just hung in there. You worked hard and stayed at it. Through school and work, you kept giving better than your best. You did not drop your contacts and friends as you moved from one stage of your life to another but carried them along with you.

Today, finally, its your time under the sun. It is that time when you can say to yourself confidently that nothing can go wrong, and nothing will. It is that time when one good thing leads to another. The adage 'When they say its your time, it really is your time' , cannot be more apt.

The way forward now appears clear. It is new and fresh. Sure, it has challenges and unchartered territories but it is a beautiful path. Take it, for now you are no longer alone!

A dedication to my friend & my mentor.


unpredictable said...

Thanks. Seriously .. thanks.

musafir said...

Oh, to have a mentor...sigh!

Nice post :)

catch 22 said...

Nice post dude. :)

Anonymous said...

damn sweet:)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »