Mental Connections
Mind is an amazing thing. It travels faster than light and takes up to any place instantaneously. And it is virtually impossible to control. In Gita Krishna says
How I got thinking of this was when very recently certain incident reminded me of something similar in the past. And that reminded me of the person associated with it. Then next my thoughts moved on to other memories of the person to other incidents to some unrelated incident in childhood where I jumped off a tree to some train journey to a friend telling me something (lost touch with that guy 5-6 years ago and have never thought of him since then)
to a whole lot of things. Later when I tried to recollect those thoughts quite a few of them failed me.
I dont know if I'm the only person who thinks like this. But off late the memories of incidents and people aren't exactly the ones which makes me smile.
'Chanchalam hi mahabaho mano durnigralam chalam!(The mind is very fickle and difficult to control. The only ways to control it are through practise and dispassion)
Abyasen tu kounteya vairagyen cha grihyate!! '
How I got thinking of this was when very recently certain incident reminded me of something similar in the past. And that reminded me of the person associated with it. Then next my thoughts moved on to other memories of the person to other incidents to some unrelated incident in childhood where I jumped off a tree to some train journey to a friend telling me something (lost touch with that guy 5-6 years ago and have never thought of him since then)
to a whole lot of things. Later when I tried to recollect those thoughts quite a few of them failed me.
I dont know if I'm the only person who thinks like this. But off late the memories of incidents and people aren't exactly the ones which makes me smile.