Tryst with Destiny
I grew up fighting and arguing with a lot of people around me that it was easy to pass comments from the side but very difficult to force your self to do the same thing. I used to argue, pretty passionately I should say, to a group of cynics. A lot of them were elder to me. They were not all from my parents generation, but many were. They were disillusioned about the society, about politics and the system. I was a young, optimistic, almost utopian kind of a person who believed that things can only get better. You just have to try. I am a few more years closer to 25 now, but happy that my attitude hasn't changed. Yes, I know that one has to work harder than ever before, but I still believe that things will get only better.
A lot of people have/had given up on the system. "Things will never change", I've heard that enough number of times. It is not surprising. People of the earlier generation were given hope. They were shown a dream. A dream that they (or their parents) had fought for. A dream for which many had laid down their lives for. After all the struggle, you expect something good. Something bright. You expect a future. People have been patient. But 40-50 years is a lot of patience for an entire country. This I feel had/has given birth to a lot of disillusionment.
Everyone knows this. I do not have to repeat it. But what I find new is the change in the attitude of people in the last 2 years or so. There is a heightened awareness about societal, civic and national issues. The Indian citizen is tired of waiting. This change is for the good.
A lot of analysis and understanding of the modern youth / generation has happenned. One common crib is that the current generation has no patience. He is not willing to wait for long, but wants things to happen fast. I think this is one of key reasons for the change in the mentality of the current generation towards issues of larger importance. (of course other than heightened media activity etc). He is not willing to wait for eternity for things to change for the better. He wants to work for it and also wants to enjoy the fruits of his efforts. Its great! Cannot ask for anything better.
There has been heightened activity among NGOs. A lot of Self help groups, volunteer organisations have sprung up. Support groups for a cause crop up across the world. Information is flowing across the world quicker than we can think. This is making RTI ( Right to Information Act) a powerful tool that is now being used across the country, successfully, to fight corruption. People are not stopping with small efforts, but are taking big and giant strides in the right direction.
Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. I think its time.