One's calling
I spoke to a friend of mine this week. She had just quit her job. What is so special about this person? Well, she quit her job to pursue her passion- singing. For years now, she has been trying hard to make a break into the film world. Her progress has been slow, nothing spectacular to speak about. But she hung in there. Guess her perseverance has finally paid off. She has got a couple of breaks and, soon starting next month, we would get to hear her singing with prominent playback singers. Things are now happenning for her and that too in quick succession. Guess, if we hang in there long enough and hard enough, our dreams might just come true. One never knows.
As I settle into a mundane routine, any change small or big is welcome and is eagerly awaited. Change, I've realised has to be brought into existence. Sitting around hoping that I would be able to read a book a month,or learn an instrument or a new subject is wishful thinking. 'Proactive', thats the word.
In the context of 'proactive', 'change' and 'quitting jobs', I have been thinking, if there is something out there or in me, that would make me quit my job and get me out of the current comfort zone. I have not been able to think of any for now. Yes of course I plan to fight (and am doing a little now )against corruption and for preservation of environment and a few more social causes, but I guess I have not found my calling yet. I would not hesitate to quit, I am sure , but for what cause?
It would be nice to hear some views/ideas/opinions on this.
'It is such a nice feeling when good things happen to good people.'