Sunday, November 16, 2008

Travel and Learning - 4

So I am back with my traveling pictures. This time also it was on work. We went to this place called Galibore fishing and nature camp, around 2 hours from Bangalore on the banks of Cauvery.

The good thing about this place is that there is no cell phone network. Which automatically means that you are forced to interact with people around you and cannot get up and walk away for that long phone call. You are both physically and mentally present.

This was work cum pleasure trip. We enjoyed coracle rides, hikes and campfires. When we did work, it was fun - on the banks of Cauvery, sun shimmering through the camouflage and a cool breeze with just enough chillness factor to keep us huddled.

Early morning. A little late for me as I wanted to catch day break. Was thinking of a dip when I was told that the river is 70 -90 feet deep with strong under currents and stronger crocodiles.

The hike to the top of the misty mountains. I was secretly praying that I would find myself in the middle of clouds. The clouds had sadly melted away, but they left their mark - dew drops . Btw the I reached the summit first :)
That is me. Just check out the lazy sweeping bend of the river behind. And just count the number of shades of green in this picture.
Me and my colleague - I am not quite able to pinpoint why this is my favourite snap. May be because the grass gives the snap a gladiator-movie-scene like feel. May be it is just the fact the we were just so happy in the environs and that shows. Or may be this picture is somewhere quite close to who we are.

This is where we stayed. Simple, luxurious and elegant. The fun part was when we had to have bath in cold water :)

We were on a work trip remember? So I continued doing what I do best at work ;) . But I tell you the cool wind, sound of gentle flowing water, birds chirping and pleasant sunshine through tall sheltering trees can really be soporific.


Mahogany said...

Hm. Work. I suppose one could get used to it...

Mahogany said...
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Horsie said...

and i am back on familiar roads again...good to be back.

lucky u truly are :).

keep writing!